The LIFE AgriSed project online workshop was a great success! – 7 December 2020

The workshop organized by the LIFE AgriSed project has been held online on Monday 7 December 2020 (click here for the program and for more information). The event gathered more than 150 participants: citizens, agronomists and foresters, researchers and scientists.


The LIFE AgriSed project sincerely thanks all the participants, whose support and contribution are essential for the success of the project and for the dissemination of the proposed and demonstrated good practices.


A special thanks goes to Giulio Lotti (President of the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of the Province of Pistoia, who sponsored the event), Luca Magazzini (President of the Italian Association of Nurserymen) and Francesco Mati (President of the Pistoia Nursery District) for the support, the availability and the special interest in our initiative.


The extraordinary participation in the event and the interest shown by the audience confirmed that the issues addressed by the LIFE AgriSed project are perceived as priorities, and in line with the evolution of user awareness and market demands.

During the event, in addition to the technical potential deriving from the solutions of the LIFE AgriSed project, the current regulatory barriers have been highlighted. The shared opinion is that this type of measures and technologies must be encouraged, in order to effectively promote a transition to the circular economy.


Below are the slides presented by the speakers during the event.