Thanks to the close collaboration between Agri Vivai and MCM Ecosistemi, the second Italian technical course focused on technosols was organized in the framework of the LIFE AGRISED project (here the program)! The course was held on Wednesday 9 February completely online, in order to guarantee the safety conditions for the participants (also in light of the recent exacerbation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy).
In order not to let COVID pandemic affect the results of the project by limiting its replicability and transferability, the consortium has implemented a new organizational method for this technical course:
- as usual, during the morning a first online theoretical session was held. The speakers from AGRISED beneficiaries presented the objectives and results obtained during the LIFE AGRISED project and the procedures followed for the production of reconstituted soils and their application for degraded soil recovery;
Dr. Chiara Cassinari presenting the production and use of technosols
- for the afternoon practical session, the consortium organized a live streaming, during which Dr. Paolo Manfredi (MCM Ecosistemi) visited the production sites of the technosols and the site rehabilitated during a previous LIFE project (New Life).
“Virtual” visit – The technosols production plant
“Virtual” visit – One of the waste matrices used for the production of technosols
“Virtual” visit – The site in Borgotrebbia, rehabilitated using the technologies of MCM Ecosistemi
The participant (more than 60!) were guided in a “virtual visit” that allowed them to observe the organization of a technosols production site and the results obtained thanks to their application in open field.
The LIFE AGRISED project takes the opportunity to thank all the participants and the Order of Agronomists and Forestry Doctors of Piacenza, who sponsored the training event: only by collaborating and sharing the knowledge developed during the project is it really possible to promote our eco-sustainable and circular solutions! Thank you all!